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GR7 Titanium Forgings Ring
GR7 Titanium Forgings Ring
GR7 Titanium Forgings Ring
GR7 Titanium Forgings Ring
GR7 Titanium Forgings Ring
GR7 Titanium Forgings Ring

GR7 Titanium Forgings Ring

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Current status of research on rolling of large titanium ring forgings

Today PSX to solve the large shaped section Titanium Forging Ring difficult to form and low forming accuracy of the problem as the premise, described the domestic and foreign scholars on the ring rolling finite element simulation, large shaped cross-section ring billet optimization and rolling, rolling method of the theoretical analysis and research results, and introduces the common internal and external defects of large ring, in order to provide experience for the large ring forging parts of the formation of the formation of the sex. Integration of the development of experience.

1, ring rolling finite element simulation

Ring rolling is a thermodynamically coupled nonlinear process, only the use of theoretical analysis to guide the actual production will inevitably lead to a waste of resources and cost increases. 20 century, the end of the 90's, finite element software in China, represented by CAE finite element simulation software in the simulation accuracy, the user interface, post-processing and other aspects of the gradual improvement of the finite element simulation of the ring has laid the foundation for the finite element simulation. In recent years, many scholars through the finite element software summarized the ring rolling theory and ring plastic deformation law, for the reality of the production of ring forgings provide valuable experience. Pan Hei et al? and Zhangjiagang Hailu ring forgings Co., Ltd. cooperation, φ9m ultra-large ring design of rolling process parameters and a new core roll feeding method, its radial-axial rolling (Radia- Axia Ring Roling, RARR) finite element simulation and in the RAM9000 digital probe emulsifier successfully emulsified forming accuracy and organizational properties to meet the requirements of ultra-large Titanium Flange ring. Han et al. Han et al.7 proposed a new RARR process that can reduce the wall country, expand the inner diameter, and reduce the height of the ring, and the driving rolls of the process play a restraining role, and the restrained rolling simulation of rectangular cross-section blanks is carried out by ABAQUS, and the dimensional accuracy of the ring forming can be effectively controlled finally. For the large L-shaped rings, a mathematical model of axial rolling of shaped cone rolls was established, and simulated by Deform-3D finite element software. The simulated finite element results were compared with the mathematical prediction of the outer diameter, the growth rate of the outer diameter, the speed of the driving rolls and other parameters, and the simulated parameters matched well with the predicted parameters. 2A14 aluminum alloy thin-walled shaped ring macroscopic mechanical properties and microstructure simulation, the study shows that the ring in the 170 ~ 400 ℃ range, the higher the temperature of the ring grain distribution is more uniform, and from the ring metal flow aspects of the rolled hole optimization, proposed the ring near-net shaping process. Liang et al. for the diameter of the ring of the shaped cross-section of the ring can not be filled when the contour of the required value of the problem, the proposed drawing Liang et al. proposed the influence of pulling coefficient, i.e. the pulling effect of active deformation zone on passive deformation zone, established a thermal coupling model of ring piece with external groove section, carried out the mathematical formula of ring piece blank size design, and established the relationship between pulling coefficient and its influencing factor by using response surface method (RSM), and fitted the specific ring piece blank size calculation formula. Meng et al. used ANSYS finite element software to determine the effects of bar height to diameter ratio and hydraulic machine upsetting force on strain, drum shape and tangential stress during the upsetting process of large ring parts, which basically coincided with the experimental comparisons, and provided basic guidance for the upsetting process of large ring parts.
ASTM B381 Titanium Forged Ring

2, large irregular cross-section ring forgings blanking process

At present, large rectangular cross-section ring Titanium Forging rolling technology has been relatively mature, large shaped cross-section ring forging forming process is still to be optimized, many studies have shown that not all the contours can be formed by the rectangular cross-section of the blanks, but the blanks of the pre-roll will be on the ring pieces of the formation of the formation of a certain degree of effectiveness. Moreover, the production of large-sized ring forgings with shaped cross-section is a complex process with high cost and high energy consumption, and the optimization of the billet making process in the ring rolling process is conducive to saving energy and reducing the consumption of cost, which is an important impetus for responding to the national call for energy saving and emission reduction.
The traditional rolling process for large-sized rings with shaped cross-section is upsetting, punching, ring rolling and machining. Constrained by the existing forming technology, in the process of forming large-sized rings with shaped cross-section, defects such as fishtail, underfilling, and excessive allowance may occur, which greatly reduces the forming accuracy and improves the production cost. After a long period of testing and theoretical studies found that the optimization of blanks can solve the above problems Wuhan University of Technology Hu Bokui designed three different shapes of the ring bad rolling, double row tapered roller bearings, the forming experiment obtained a high precision bearing outer ring forgings, verified the feasibility of pre-forging, final forging billet and rolling superiority of the outer single taper type blanks. He Song et al. for the tapered table composite cross-section ring proposed “equal wall thickness type” and “variable wall thickness type” two ring billet design method, through the addition of the size correction coefficient n specification of the optimal ring rolling billet range, experiments and simulations have obtained a good cross-section filler effect, molding Experiments and simulations were carried out to obtain the rings with good cross-section filling effect and high molding accuracy of the conical table composite cross-section rings. Chen Xiaoqing designed two kinds of blanks, trapezoidal cross-section and know-shaped cross-section, for large internal step ring forgings, and designed different shapes of core rolls for two different cross-section rings, and found that the trapezoidal cross-section blanks have more uniform temperature and strain distribution in the rolling process.
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